F.A.Q. exchange rate

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The payment method we accept here is Available Electronic Transfer, known as TED.

When you complete your remittance, you will receive on-screen information with the bank details for payment, as well as receiving them by e-mail.

The details are sent to your e-mail address and are entered on the platform once your transaction has been completed, but to make things easier, here are the bank details:

The deadline for payment is 4:30 p.m. on the next business day. For example: if you ordered your shipment or purchase of paper currency today, you can pay by 16:30 tomorrow. Please note that the deadlines are valid on working days, from Monday to Friday.
Your international shipment or purchase of paper currency will only be processed once payment has been identified. If you do not send proof of payment by the deadline, your transaction will be canceled and you will have to redo the process on the platform.

Only the customer registered on the platform. In short, the payment must be made from an account that has the same ownership as the customer who has registered on the platform and placed the order. We don't accept payments made by third parties or dependents, for example.
If you have a joint account and intend to use it to make a TED, you must send proof of the names of the account holders, as well as the bank, branch and current account.
The joint account proofs we accept are: copies of account statements, a copy of a check or card. You must attach this proof to the platform.

What is Google Adsense?
It is an advertising service offered by Google to add ads to users' websites, blogs and YouTube channels in order to monetize the platform. It also manages the content that should be advertised on each medium, according to the profile of the audience.

How does payment work with Google Adsense?
Payment is made in US dollars by international electronic transfer, and this transaction can only be carried out on bank accounts that allow this operation.
To access Adsense, you need to open a Google account (Gmail accounts are also valid), enter your tax information, accumulate $10 in earnings, after which you will receive a PIN to allow you to send your bank details. The next step is to accumulate a further $100 in winnings to make the amount available. At this stage, Google will send you a form, which you must fill in with your bank account and the data relating to this transition.

Now, how do you receive your Google Adsense payment via Duo Exchange?
Many bank accounts do not have access to international electronic transfers, which is why Duo Exchange has this service to make it easier for all users to receive payments. In a simple and practical way, the user must register via the Duo Exchange website, after indicating the type of service, i.e. a remittance. Enter the type of remittance, selecting the Receipt option and in the Who will receive? field, the campus Myself - Google Adsense.
Important! Enter the dollar amount provided by Google, which will be automatically converted into reais on the platform.
By clicking on Buy, the user will be directed to a new page, where they will be asked for their bank details to receive the funds in reais (R$).
Next, you will have access to a summary of the information you have filled in so that you can proceed to receive all the data you need from Duo Exchange to send to Google Adsense.
Remember that the time limit for filling in the form is 10 minutes, and the quote that appeared on the first screen is guaranteed for up to 48 working hours.
On the Adsense platform itself, you must fill in the data provided by Duo Exchange.
The registration part is finished! Now all you have to do is wait for the progress status on the Duo Exchange platform itself and by email.

Who is this service for?
For all content creators who have a means of communication on the Internet, whether it's a website, blog or Youtube, who are Google Adsense subscribers.

How long does it take to receive this payment?
Google always makes the payment at the end of each month, so the bank details must be included by the deadline set by them (approximately the 20th of the month). Once this payment has been made, the client will receive the amount in the account provided by Duo Exchange within the stipulated period.

Is there a limit to the amount I can receive?
Yes, the limit per day is up to USD 3,000 (three thousand dollars) and per year is up to USD 20,000 (twenty thousand dollars).

What are the transaction fees?
IOF + bank fee + Spread

In most remittances, only the IOF is charged.
In more specific transfers, some taxes may be levied, such as Withholding Income Tax (IRRF). Hiring services and payments for tourism purposes, for example, are cases where this tax is levied.
When IRRF is levied, it is levied at the time the foreign exchange transaction is carried out. As the IR receiver is in the country, there is an adjustment to the tax applied to the operation, as calculated below:
AF = AI / (1 - AI)
where AF = Adjusted Rate and AI = Non-Adjusted Rate
The tax adjustment is a regulation of the Central Bank, according to article 725.
It is also important to consider IRRF in cases of international remittances to tax havens.

A tax haven, in concept, is a country in which income tax is less than or equal to 17%. Brazil does not enter into tax agreements with countries considered to be tax havens, in order to discourage commercial relations with them.
The taxation of remittances and payments to tax havens is different compared to other countries. Each type of remittance has its own tax rate. That's why it's important to consult our operations team.

A remittance operation is basically a commercial exchange operation and can be used for various purposes, but basically it involves payments, receipts and the international transfer of values.
Check out some of the remittance operations you can carry out:
Keeping residents
Direct investment abroad
Availability abroad
Buying, selling or renting property
Paying for services
Borrowing money
Capital contributions
Importing and exporting products.

Câmbio Online sends money internationally to more than 20 countries. Check them out:
Vatican City
United States United States
United Kingdom
San Marino

When you remit through our platform, you pay the full amount of the remittance, all taxes and fees included, and the bank fee is ALWAYS ZERO!

Campione D'Italia
Commonwealth of the Bahamas
United Arab Emirates
Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis and Nevis
Hong Kong
Madeira Island
Isle of Man
Saint Pierre and Michael Island
Niue Island
Norfolk Island
Pitcairn Island
Queshm Island
Ascension Islands
Bermuda Islands
Cayman Islands
Cook Islands
St. Helena Islands Islands
Marshall Islands
Montserrat Islands
Samoa Islands
Solomos Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
British Islands
Western Samoa
San Marino
Saint Lucia
Saint Martin
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Sultanate of Oman
Tristan da Cunha

We prioritize maximum reliability and transparency in our transactions, avoiding third-party interference and ensuring the security of your money.
Blockchain is a solution made up of cryptographic and distributed computing elements, with the aim of automating processes that require the establishment of trust between two or more parties. This trust is established through consensus algorithms and transparency in the recording of transactions.
This technology keeps a permanent, tamper-proof record of transactions. It basically works like a ledger, only in a public, shared and universal way. This creates consensus, standards and trust in direct communication between two parties.

Tax on Financial Transactions (IOF).
This tax is paid by individuals and legal entities (companies) that carry out credit, exchange, insurance or securities transactions.

For remittances: When you make a remittance through our platform, you pay the full amount of the remittance, with all fees and taxes included, and the bank fee is ALWAYS ZERO!
For prepaid card purchases: The card issuance and delivery fees will be added to the final amount of the card purchase.
For paper currency purchases: Delivery is free* from U$1,000 or equivalent. This transaction will be charged at the rate
*Check the availability of delivery in your city via chat

Remittances: Rate of 0.38% on international remittances between different holders and 1.1% for the same holder.
Purchase of paper currency: Tax on financial transactions (IOF) of 1.1% for foreign currency in cash.
Prepaid card: Rate of 6.38% for debit or credit transactions.